Environmental Impact Assessment & Analysis

STOILIC Delivers Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Analysis through a suite of planning and decision-making tools and processes that provide detailed examinations of the likely environmental, social, and economic impacts of a project (exploration, construction, operations, decommissioning, site closure etc).

Our EIA Reports promote policy-making and actions that ensure sustainability in the implemented projects. The reports also identify environmental risks, lessen conflicts by promoting community participation, minimize adverse environmental effects, inform decision-makers, and help lay the base for environmentally sound projects.

Sustainability Reporting

We deliver our Sustainability Reporting Services on 3 levels for our clients:

  • Sustainability Vision:  Definition of the material issues they want to report on, internal responsibilities, indices for management buy-in and the KPIs according to the  Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) structure.
  • Metrics and Target Definition: Engagement of stakeholders, target setting and metrics definition; setting up reporting tools, reporting of sustainability programs to stakeholders, etc.
  • Integration: Converting the Sustainability Vision into Practice, extension of employee knowledge and engagement and then tracking metrics over time.

From surface to seabed, each service segment is structured to function as an integrated unit, all leveraging on the experience, expertise and resources available in each segment with the overall aim to enhance safe quality and timely service delivery.

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